Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday's Wisdom

Wednesday's Wisdom: "If you see a turtle sitting on a fencepost, he had help getting there”...An old rancher was out working the fields when he looked and saw a turtle on a fence post. He came back and told his farmhands "If you see a turtle sitting on a fencepost, he had help getting there” "You know he didn'...t get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of complete moron put him up there to begin with." Zo Says "Everybody and Everything has it's on special place in life. " Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it from Loved ones, Family & Friends. Stop trying to get to the top and stop asking others to help you get there when you haven't prepared yourself properly to be at the top. Don't become that lost, scared, & helpless Turtle."

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