Wednesday's Wisdom:
In order to change your Situation you must 1st Change your Conversation!
Stop Speaking Negativity into your Life and Don't allow people around you to Speak Negativity on you & yours...
Rethink.Refresh & Regroup!
Do you believe in Karma?
What about the Law of Attraction?
The Idol mind is a Devil's Workshop.
People don't realize that what you say and what you hear soon become your actions both good and bad. The situation in your life right now hasn't changed because your are speaking the same old routing that you always have. In order to change your Situation stop and change your Conversation. Don't allow yourself or people around you to speak negative things on you and your life. Try thinking Positive speaking Positive and listening Positive for a week and see if you see a change in you life or situation whether it's your Job, School, a Relationship or even a past problem.
In order to change your Situation you must 1st Change your Conversation!